Step #1:
Watch The Video Below & Learn About the Return On Investing in Your Employees Mental Health
Step #2

Step #2

Do My Strategies Actually Work?
I will let some of my clients tell you...
"At FBH, we pride ourselves on putting our people at the heart of everything we do. We decided that in order to reinforce this message, we would hold a “Wellbeing Workshop” for a group of homeworkers. This was initially pre-pandemic. We wanted to make them feel that even though their place of work was their home, their input to their teams was just as important and their well-being was paramount to us. We invited Tanya Bright from the Bright Centre to hold a Well-being workshop. Although I am unaware of all of the content of the workshop, the results based on tangible data were extremely positive – morale improved; sickness went to an all time low and we had zero leavers across the same period of time. Now as working practices return post pandemic, we have brought into place the Coaching Clinic again with fantastic feedback. The evidence suggests that morale has been boosted and the teams feel that we support them.
I would highly recommend Tanya Bright." September 2019 & February 2022, Lorraine Bailey, HR Business Partner at F.B. Health
